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Selling A Home

Selling a house typically includes many of the following elements. For additional information, or to get started, please contact us.

  • Determine your needs and priorities
  • Review "agency" choices and select appropriate working relationship
  • Discuss Marketing Plan
  • Establish Pricing Strategy
  • Complete home enhancement recommendations
  • Carry out scheduled marketing activities
  • Show the property to brokers and prospective buyers
  • Communicate with you on a regular basis
  • Monitor results of marketing activities
  • Modify Marketing Plan and Pricing Strategy as necessary
  • Buyer's Real Estate Professional presents offer
  • Discuss and clarify proposed terms and conditions
  • Negotiation, possible counteroffers
  • Reach final agreement
  • Present your offer
  • Deposit of buyer's earnest money
  • Sign documents
  • Title search; preliminary title report to buyer
  • Inspections
  • Removal of remaining contingencies
  • Buyer's final walk-through of property
  • Loan funding/balance of funds from buyer
  • Arrange for homeowners insurance
  • Recording of title
  • Relocation of seller; possession of property of buyer
  • Final walk-through of property with sales associate
  • Help you find your next home, as needed
  • Assist you with relocation, as needed
  • Provide resources of other after-sale owner needs

When our marketing efforts bring a purchase offer I will:



  • Explain the offer to you and answer your questions.
  • Help you determine the best course of action by pointing out potential advantages and disadvantages of the offer and clarifying the choices available to you.
  • Prepare an Estimate of Net Proceeds based on the proposed price and terms.
  • Negotiate through the buyer's agent, and handle possible counteroffers, to reach a final agreement that is favorable to you.


  • Explain to you in detail all the steps that will occur for a successful closing, and answer any questions you might have.
  • Work with the buyer's broker, title company and others to help coordinate their activities and keep the transaction moving forward.
  • Monitor progress of inspections, the buyer's loan and other contingencies as called for in the purchase contract. Resolve questions or problems that might arise, in order to ensure a timely closing.
  • Assist you in handling details required for the completion of the transaction.
  • Communicate with you on a regular basis so that you can stay informed and as worry-free as possible.


  • Confirm that all your real estate-related needs have been met, and provide information on service providers you may require.
  • Offer relocation assistance, if moving to a new area.

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We specialize in transforming homes with high end staging & photography. List with us today!